Tag: 401K

Retirement Income Solutions with Nevin Adams (Ep.42)

Retirement Income Solutions with Nevin Adams (Ep.42)

In this episode, Rebecca is honored to welcome Nevin Adams, a legendary figure in the retirement planning industry. With a career spanning nearly five decades, Nevin has played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of retirement plans. His wealth of experience and knowledge is undeniable as he shares his insights and future projections.

Dive into the transformative impact of target date funds, the advent of automatic enrollment, and the challenges with retirement income solutions as Rebecca and Nevin discuss:

  • How target date funds have simplified the investment process for 401(k) participants
  • Why automatic enrollment could change significantly increase participation rates
  • Challenges and missed opportunities regarding retirement income
  • Forecasted growth and changes in the 401(k) industry by 2030.
  • And more


Connect With Nevin Adams:

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About Our Guest:

Now “retired” (whatever that means), Nevin is the former Chief Content Officer and Head of Retirement Research for the American Retirement Association.  One of the retirement industry’s most prolific writers, these days he’s “retired”, which means he writes less but continues to keep his eye on developments in, and threats to, the nation’s private retirement system.  In addition to helping guide the agenda development for the NAPA 401(k) Summit, he’s also the “Nevin” in the Nevin & Fred podcast (along with renowned ERISA attorney Fred Reish), offering irreverent, but relevant perspectives on the critical issues confronting plan sponsors, advisors, and retirement industry professionals. 

The Rise of Climate-Friendly 401(k) Investment Options with Alex Wright-Gladstein (Ep. 26)

The Rise of Climate-Friendly 401(k) Investment Options with Alex Wright-Gladstein (Ep. 26)

In this episode, we speak with Alex Wright-Gladstein, the founder of Sphere, an asset management company that offers a climate-friendly mutual fund and index option for retirement plans. She shares her journey of discovering the lack of sustainable investment options in 2017 and her mission to provide a low-fee, planet-voting alternative to the traditional S&P 500.

Alex discusses:

  • The holistic approach to corporate governance and retirement plans
  • Where the $1.5 trillion invested in the fossil fuel industry from 401(k)s are going
  • The risk of climate change is not just an advisor opportunity but a global mission
  • How young people are driving progress through initiatives like the Green New Deal
  • What her company Sphere is doing as a climate-friendly alternative to the S&P 500
  • And more


Connect With  Alex Wright-Gladstein :

Connect With Rebecca Hourihan: 

About Alex Wright-Gladstein:

Alex Wright-Gladstein is the founder and CEO of Sphere. Over 80% of Americans are worried about climate change, but 99% of Americans with retirement savings don’t have the option to make climate-friendly investments. Sphere makes climate-friendly investing available to those who would not otherwise have that option, by making it easy to offer climate-friendly options in 401(k) retirement plans. Prior to founding Sphere, Alex was founding CEO of Ayar Labs, an MIT technology spinout company that has raised over $200M in venture funding and makes data centers and supercomputers faster and more energy efficient by using light to move data between chips. She has also been the energy entrepreneurship practice leader at MIT and an energy efficiency program manager and energy markets specialist at smart grid company EnerNOC (now Enel X). She received an MBA from MIT and a BA in Political Science and Economics from Tufts University.

Episode 8: Peeling Back the Onion of Social Security and Retirement Income Planning With Special Guest Marcia Mantell

Episode 8: Peeling Back the Onion of Social Security and Retirement Income Planning With Special Guest Marcia Mantell

Planning for retirement is similar to an onion. Every time you learn a little bit more about it, you peel back another layer.

In this episode, Rebecca Hourihan talks with Marcia Mantell, an author and blogger, and the owner of Mantell Retirement Consulting. Marcia has nearly 30 years of experience working with retirement planning strategies, and today, she shares the nitty gritty specifics of Social Security and Medicare. Tune in to hear her funny stories that will help educate employers, employees and financial advisors as they support their clients towards their golden years!

Marcia discusses:

  • Marcia’s journey into the retirement education and planning business
  • Which tools help successfully educate individuals
  • How she helps address unique one-on-one situations 
  • Stories from her years of experience
  • And more


Connect With Marcia Mantell:

Connect With Rebecca Hourihan: 

About Our Guest:

Marcia Mantell: For nearly 30 years, Marcia Mantell has helped de-mystify retirement planning concepts for top financial services firms and pre-retirees. Marcia writes extensively as a guest columnist, runs her company Mantell Retirement Consulting and is considered an expert in Social Security and Medicare.