Category: Marketing

Retirement Income Solutions with Nevin Adams (Ep.42)

Retirement Income Solutions with Nevin Adams (Ep.42)

In this episode, Rebecca is honored to welcome Nevin Adams, a legendary figure in the retirement planning industry. With a career spanning nearly five decades, Nevin has played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of retirement plans. His wealth of experience and knowledge is undeniable as he shares his insights and future projections.

Dive into the transformative impact of target date funds, the advent of automatic enrollment, and the challenges with retirement income solutions as Rebecca and Nevin discuss:

  • How target date funds have simplified the investment process for 401(k) participants
  • Why automatic enrollment could change significantly increase participation rates
  • Challenges and missed opportunities regarding retirement income
  • Forecasted growth and changes in the 401(k) industry by 2030.
  • And more


Connect With Nevin Adams:

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About Our Guest:

Now “retired” (whatever that means), Nevin is the former Chief Content Officer and Head of Retirement Research for the American Retirement Association.  One of the retirement industry’s most prolific writers, these days he’s “retired”, which means he writes less but continues to keep his eye on developments in, and threats to, the nation’s private retirement system.  In addition to helping guide the agenda development for the NAPA 401(k) Summit, he’s also the “Nevin” in the Nevin & Fred podcast (along with renowned ERISA attorney Fred Reish), offering irreverent, but relevant perspectives on the critical issues confronting plan sponsors, advisors, and retirement industry professionals. 

10 Years of Insights: Advisor Retirement Plan Marketing (Ep. 41)

10 Years of Insights: Advisor Retirement Plan Marketing (Ep. 41)

Rebecca Hourihan reflects on a decade of retirement plan marketing. She emphasizes the challenges of change, the evolution of marketing strategies from cold calling to leveraging social media, and the necessity of maintaining a visible and professional online presence. Rebecca also touches on the importance of creating tailored content, and discusses the critical role of effective communication, highlighting the need to provide relevant and timely information without overwhelming the audience. 

This episode is packed with insights and best practices for anyone looking to enhance their expertise and authority in the retirement plan community.

Key takeaways include:

  • The inception of 401(k) Marketing and the significance of tailored messaging for plan sponsors and participants
  • The role of clear and honest communication in building trust and avoiding surprises
  • The necessity of adapting to changing marketing trends and leveraging social media for greater visibility
  • Insights into the ongoing convergence of wealth management and retirement plans
  • And more

Connect With Rebecca Hourihan: 

How to Elevate Your Prospecting and Client Retention with Eric Ryles (Ep. 40)

How to Elevate Your Prospecting and Client Retention with Eric Ryles (Ep. 40)

Did you know that approximately 10-12% of plan sponsors actively shop their plan every year?

Tune in to Rebecca Hourihan’s conversation with Eric Ryles, Vice President, of Customer Solutions at ALM Media, LLC (parent company of Judy Diamond Associates). They explore ways to improve prospecting and enhance client retention, as well as telltale signs a plan sponsor might be at risk of leaving.

Eric and Rebecca discuss:

  • How advisors can utilize the Form 5500 data to gain actionable insights
  • Crucial metrics that may signal a plan’s performance
  • The importance of benchmarking (and the role of Judy Diamond Associates 2023 Annual 401(k) Benchmark Report)
  • Eric’s guidance to advisors looking to differentiate from their competitors
  • And more


Connect with Eric Ryles:

Connect with Rebecca Hourihan: 

Revolutionizing Payroll Integration with Automation and APIs with Jeff Kayajanian (Ep. 39)

Revolutionizing Payroll Integration with Automation and APIs with Jeff Kayajanian (Ep. 39)

Are you tired of manual payroll processes eating up your time and resources? What if there was an efficient way to streamline payroll integration with your 401(k) recordkeeping?

Learn how Payroll Integrations connects you to leading payroll systems and automates data transfer through APIs. Rebecca Hourihan and guest Jeff Kayajanian, principal and chief revenue officer at Payroll Integrations, have an insightful conversation about the revolution of retirement plan management.

Jeff and Rebecca discuss:

  • The importance of 360 integration in the retirement plan industry
  • Costs and benefits of API integration for employers in a fee-sensitive world
  • Payroll Integration’s partnerships with record keepers and TPAs
  • The future of integrated benefits solutions and simplified participant experiences
  • And more


Connect with Jeff Kayajanian:

Connect with Rebecca Hourihan: 

What I Learned From 3,000 Podcast Interviews with Matt Halloran of ProudMouth (Ep. 38)

What I Learned From 3,000 Podcast Interviews with Matt Halloran of ProudMouth (Ep. 38)

As advisors continue to seek innovative ways to connect with their audience and establish trust, the challenge of standing out in a crowded market is ever-present.

In this episode, Rebecca Hourihan speaks with Matt Halloran, co-founder of ProudMouth, about the power of podcasting to rise above the noise and establish yourself as the go-to expert. Whether it’s starting a new podcast or honing your interviewing skills as a host, they cover it all.

Matt and Rebecca discuss:

  • What Matt has learned from conducting nearly 3,000 podcast interviews
  • Five questions you can ask someone to earn trust and credibility almost immediately
  • Sneak peek into Matt’s upcoming book, “Shut the F Up and Listen: How to Solve All of the World’s Problems”
  • What separates the most successful advisors from the rest
  • And more


Connect with Matt Halloran:

Connect with Rebecca Hourihan: 

About Our Guest:

Matt Halloran is a co-founder of ProudMouth, the world’s leading influence accelerator for financial advisors. An in-demand speaker, he’s appeared on over 1,000 podcasts. As well, Matt is the host of ProudMouth’s Top Advisor Marketing Podcast, where he and industry leaders empower advisors to become trusted, recognized authorities. Matt is the author of “The Social Media Handbook for Financial Advisors,” the first social media book for financial services.